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Sunday, February 1, 2009

A 4th Grade Blog

I found an example of an elementary class using a blog for their classroom. At Shepard School in Columbia, Missouri, a 4th grade class uses an interactive blog for many purposes. When a student enters the site he or she can choose to click on homework listings, upcoming projects, new information and also a chance to chat with other classmates. This blog also lets parents check the homework calendar and project calendar! I thougt this was a great idea because instead of only handing out paper work, the students and parents can have an alterative way of accessing information. http://www.columbia.k12.mo.us/she/mvillasa/blogpage.htm

Another example I found was http://georgehall.wetpaint.com/page/Class+Blog+for+James+and+the+Giant+Peach
at a school named George Hall Elementary School in Alabama. This blog was unique because it is a book review of James and the Giant Peach. This second grade class got the chance to post their comments on the book on the website. Also, other students were able to view the comments and respond to their fellow classmates! I loved this idea because it gave the students an opportunity to read and respond to comments and everyone learns from it!

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