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Sunday, February 8, 2009


I thought this assignment was very interesting. I did not know what I was expecting when I looked up all of these podcasts. I honestly did not know what a podcast was untill this assignment! I learned that there are many types and many approaches to podcasting.

The first podcast I explored was EdTechtalk #92. This was very easy to lisen to because the podcast was right on the page for easy access viewing. I liked this one because it was very upbeat and sounded like a radio talkshow. The hosts had a special guest named Liz Davis who was a head person in an independent school. The hosts asked her about her self and what accomplishes her school has made over the years. I really liked this podcast.

The next podcast i explored was This Week In Photograpy. I loved this one! It was very visual and supplied pictures and a step by step process that was easy to follow. The basic principle was to learn how to brighten up pictures by using Photoshop. I am not an photograpy experct but I know how to use Photoshop now!

The final podcast I listened to was SmartBoard Lessons Podcast. This was not that interesting to me. It was in a conversation manner between two people. I guess i was not interested in the subject but if I was, they did a good job explaining smart boards.

Overall, I enjoyed learning about podcasts. There are many types and some are very interesting. I would not mind looking at them more often.

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